Accountable care organization Q&As; High-dollar Part B claims;

> The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a set of preliminary questions and answers about accountable care organizations (ACOs) explaining, among other issues, how participating ACOs will be able to qualify for shared savings under the Medicare program. Document

> Filing a high-dollar Medicare Part B claim? Double-check your zeroes on units of service (e.g., make sure you're not billing for 60 units when you should be billing for 6). That's the lesson of a recent report, "Review of High-Dollar Payments for Louisiana Medicare Part B Claims Processed by Pinnacle Business Solutions, Inc., for the Period January 1 Through December 31, 2006," from the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Report

> CMS has issued revised regulations detailing state options for setting Medicaid premiums and cost-sharing. Final rule

And Finally ... Is "colony collapse" a euphemism for moving to Manhattan? Article